In spring 2021 we say: Events are possible again.

It is vaccinated. Tests are carried out. There are conclusive hygiene concepts that are implemented sensitively – for example, by Susanne Kämmerling. The certified hygiene officer of the EVENTAGENTUR artimage, for example, accompanies filming in the spring of 2021. She says: “Hygiene must become a common cause. Then the concept works and we create room for maneuver.”

Hygiene: as important for the event as building supervision and accident prevention

Loose cables, blocked escape routes, swaying ladders: Structural deficiencies in a location catch the eye. That’s why we take them seriously. Germs and viruses are invisible to the human eye. That’s what makes them so dangerous, and they spread unhindered. The COVID 19 pandemic makes it clear that hygiene will be part of general safety in the future – at events as well as in everyday life.

Susanne Kämmerling has been working as a hygiene officer since summer 2020. A production company has engaged her and thus ensures safe records. She plans a hygiene concept from experience in these steps:

  • Analyze processes – check rooms and areas on site, define walkways in a meaningful way, check workflows, record the number of people involved and timing.
  • Brief participants – in addition to the “AHA rules”, walking routes are explained, for example.
  • Daily testing – if you’re negative, you can’t infect anyone.

“In the course of working together, a strong relationship of trust has developed between me, as hygiene officer, and the team. As a result, people internalize all the rules. They realize: We all protect each other. A great experience – as exhausting and terrible as the pandemic itself is.” Susanne Kämmerling takes on board the experiences of the people on the set and adapts the hygiene concept accordingly. This cooperation at eye level for the common cause works!

Corona protection must not undermine occupational health and safety

The hygiene officer warns against unilateral actionism. Time and again, she discovers blocked-off escape routes or signs that would steer people in the wrong direction in case of danger. She seeks discussions with other safety officers or the fire department and encourages cooperation. Her conclusion: blanket rules on hygiene are no solution. The hygiene concept must pick up the people and take into account all the framework conditions on site. Then it will be understood, accepted and internalized.

Hygiene concepts with added value: Companies not only protect the health of their team. They secure jobs, show themselves as a good employer and are ready for the time of relaxation. Talk to us about risk assessment, corona protection and implementation of all measures.

If you are interested in this performance, read HERE.