Unser Agentur-Team

The call came unexpectedly: A project group from England needed short-term support for an event at the LANXESS arena in Cologne. Within just a few hours, the simple organisation of furniture for the banquet area developed into an extensive cooperation. With know-how, reliable system partners and especially with our extensive knowledge of the location we were able to help the British colleagues. Such a flexibility is possible because we are constantly investing in further training and the development of our standards. Topics in relation to the self-concept of the EVENTAGENTUR artimage: 

  • Visiting trade fairs: for research and new impulses
  • Understanding technology: for safety purposes and progress
  • Fostering vocational training: for the future

Trade fairs help the event agency to develop

Learning by doing – the principle works. Regularly, we evaluate completed projects with the whole team. What was new? Where was a bottleneck? How did we react? We incorporate these insights in our standards. “Standards?”, the odd reader might think. “I thought that EVENTAGENTUR artimage stands for individual events!” Yes, we do. But: Reliability and diligence form the basis for innovation. We achieve that by gaining experience and, yes, through standards. We work with project plans and check lists that also keep our offers and costs transparent. Standards are a good thing.

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Trade fairs supplement our own sources of experience. Here, we find inspiration and new partners. The fair BEST OF EVENTS INTERNATIONAL in Dortmund is the first date of the year. In 2020, the theme of the BOE is “technology of the event industry”. Aside from atmospheric lighting, special effects and self-service technologies, Virtual Reality is a key topic. We have incorporated VR for many years – whenever it makes sense with regards to content and practicability. Our blog “Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: the future of roadshows?” relates to that.

The BOE is really huge. That is why we develop a programme for our visit in advance. Susanne Kämmerling looks for information on trends in culinary art, furnishing and decoration. Ulrich Kämmerling’s quest is all about technology. In between a short snack break together. And on the next day, the impressions are conveyed to the team in Leverkusen. Anja Klinger-Schulz from our back office establishes or consolidates contacts and updates the list of system partners.

Always one length of cable ahead: EVENTAGENTUR artimage

Safety in all aspects is also part of the BOE’s programme. We dedicate ourselves to that topic throughout the year. No matter how small or big the event: Fire safety, escape routes, stage construction are planned and executed according to the latest guidelines.

Cables are elementary for our work as event agency – the so-called portable equipment. Everything that has a plug must be checked regularly in every company. In this respect EVENTAGENTUR artimage trusts in the pros of OMS. The qualified specialised personnel of Odenwälder Multiservice GmbH come to us and check every cable that we use in our agency and during our jobs on-site. In respect to liability and safety that is an investment that we budget gladly and without questioning.

Let’s take a step further into the virtual space. From the address pool to the figures, we process all procedures digitally and protect the documents from third-party access.

Education is the future – even when it comes to events

We have calculated it: Approximately 15% of our working time is spent for further training. That includes e.g. installing technical updates, understanding them and using them efficiently for 3D planning.

Our team members Sandra Rhöse and Marcus Bongartz have absolved classic further trainings. Sandra came to us as career changer. At the end of the year 2019, she passed the exam for the confirmation of profession and work educational qualification. That means: Sandra can train the next generation. That’s great! In May 2020, Anne Lena will start her training as management assistant in event organisation with us. Together with Sandra, Ulrich and Susanne Kämmerling now form a training trio. Tasks can be distributed. That disburdens the individual and increases flexibility when different projects take place simultaneously.

Marcus is our specialist for organisation and logistics. In order to make sure that everything works, he absolved the further training for professional drivers. During big events, one lorry tour now replaces many tours with smaller cars. That saves time, money and energy.

We contact you!

Investments in time, knowledge and money are never listed as separate items on offers by EVENTAGENTUR artimage. We budget that fairly and communicate the services individually for every project. Our customers win. They get a high degree of safety, professionalism and innovation.

Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality: Die Zukunft der Road Show?